Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Happy Birthday, Joshua!

Today is my beloved husband’s birthday. One thing I like so much about birthdays is they give us a chance to publicly honor someone. And if anyone deserves to be honored it’s Joshua. I mean, if he can live with me day in and day out for five years, put up with three cranky kids, fix our old house, (and refix and fix again...) do yard work, change diapers, clean up vomit, and get me chocolate when I need it, then he’s just about what I’d call the perfect husband.

Joshua, it’s been an adventure being married to you. I think I have you figured out and then you go and do something that surprises and amazes me. I’m so grateful for you.
I love you. Happy Birthday.

“Lead me and I’ll follow you
Anywhere, anytime
When the love is right
The path is bright

From the Father of lights you came
And I know I’ll never be the same

When the Love is Right


Gabrielle said...

Happy birthday, Josh.

I thank God often that He gave my sister such a Godly husband who loves her and cares for her as you do. May God give you many more years.

Barb said...

One thing you forgeot...he provides you with an endless supply of salad dressing! How many wives can say that?

Happy Birthday, Josh. Your friendship is a blessing!