Friday, January 05, 2007

Let the Guessing Begin!

As you can tell from my baby countdown I have a little over a month left until Baby Buddy makes his debut appearance. I’ll now be accepting any guesses you all may have for the date of arrival, gender and any other baby info you can think of.

Here are some facts first:
I’m due to be delivered from my state of largeness on February 7th. I went five days past my due date when I had Lily and ten days with Malachi. Lily weighed 7.4 and Malachi weighed 8.4.

So here’s my guess: February 13th, a girl, 8 lbs. and incredibly cute.


Anonymous said...

February 14th (Valentines day) girl, 7lbs, 10 oz.

Anonymous said...

February 6th, boy, 8 lbs. 7 oz.

Barb said...

Feb 5, girl, 8 lbs, 1 oz

Raquel said...

I tend to be very bad at this sort of thing, but I give it a try...

February 15, boy, 8 lbs 9 oz (said she in a decisive voice)

Adiel said...

Sorry,Pentamom, I can’t answer your question since with both of my deliveries I went into labor on a day that I had an appointment set up to see a midwife and I imagine that it would have been at that visit that we would have discussed any further action. So I’ve never gotten to find out what they’d do if the kid refused to come out.